• Overtoning Playshop 3_13_19
    March 13, 2019
    7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

An evening of sonic exploration through overtoning.

This will be an experiential playshop guided by Jim Cole and his collaborative, Spectral Voices. We will explore the fundamentals and techniques in the process. Jim will lead with a solo overtone song.  Then Spectral Voices will expand the sound.  With some basic training, the audience will then join in and we will all experience the wonders of group overtone singing.

Background & Influences
For centuries people in many parts of the world have been developing harmonic overtone singing traditions (aka:khoomei – throat singing, overtone singing, harmonic chant, multiphonic singing), and in central Asia it has reached great refinement and variety.  You may have heard the high whistling melodies, expressive warbles, and intense low croaking tones of Tuvan throat singers.  A similar folk tradition occurs among the herdsmen of Mongolia.  Certain groups of Tibetan Buddhist monks practice a deep sub fundamental type of sacred harmonic chant.

Join us as we explore these AMAZING SOUNDS together.

Jim’s group likewise experienced the focus and peace that can come from overtone singing.  Members enjoyed the shared opportunity for musical exploration, self-expression, and interaction with each other, but originally had no intention of singing for anyone but themselves.  As the group evolved into Spectral Voices, the singers became increasingly experimental, playing with their voices to create new sounds and techniques and discovering the challenges and joys of totally improvised group work.

All are welcome in sharing – A suggested donation of $10 is gratefully appreciated.

Featured Image from WNPRimages

Please – learn more about Jim Cole and Spectral Voices HERE  – If you can’t make the playshop – recording of previously made music are available to purchase online through SpectralVoices.com

The Conduit Center

1227 Burnside Ave #1 East Hartford CT

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