• September 28, 2017
    7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
We’re excited to announce our first installation of SoundScape: A beautiful sound meditation concert experience for all of the senses at Vasu Tribe Studio. Get out of your head, and into your body!
The experience will begin with an aromatherapy breathing exercise and guided mediation with Natalie + Holly. Every guest will recieve a 1oz Seasonal Anointing Oil to take home, which you will use during the sound meditation for an anchoring and blissful aroma. You will then be bathed in the healing sound vibration of Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and more. We are so lucky to have The Conduit in studio for this event. Blankets, eye pillows, neck pillows, and body cushions provided for added comfort and total bliss! After the healing sound concert, guests will get to please their palate with organic chocolate.

Registration thru Vasu – CLICK HERE 

VASU Tribe

56 Arbor St, Hartford CT

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